I'm doing an online journaling workshop everyday this month with Big Picture Scrapbooking.com. LOVING IT! Journaling is something I've always struggled with. I've kept gratitude journals and "daily dialogue" journals on and off for 10 years as writing has helped me through painful & lonely times and through the changes in my life. I recently read through my old journals and was encouraged at how far I'd come in those 10 years, and yet in other ways, how SO very far I have to go. I could tell when I was having a bad day as the only things I could be grateful for were my baby's smile, our health and good weather. Not that those things aren't important, because I'm still extremely grateful for each of those things. Although now....I LOVE wet, cold miserable winter days that keep me inside a warm, comfortable house.
I've been given so many opportunities to see the beauty and the horrors in this world. I have some photographs to assist in the memories, but most of the stories are stuck inside my mind as I don't feel I can do the stories justice on paper. Hence my decision to do the journaling workshop! I receive journaling prompts each day, which I write about, while learning about excerpt journaling and vignette journaling. Its only the first week and I can't wait to receive my email about my next writing assignment. Todays journalling prompt was "the back door". Lots to write about there!