Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Attack Cat!

For some reason my cat has taken a liking to the top of my fridge. Maybe its because its warmer up there and it holds a great view of the backyard. As you can see, her new perch just happens to be right on the edge of the fridge door and as I am "vertically challenged", she is out of my line of sight. That is until I open the fridge door suddenly and she drops, claws and all, onto my head in a frightened state, which is nothing to the shock she gives me. I have since barricaded the top of the fridge with telephone books and bags so I can keep my head cat free!


Princess Stephanie said...

Oh...sooo funny...I laughed out loud when I read your story...
steph xxx

Katie said...

Next time you're over for a cup of tea, I'll let you get the milk out of the fridge so I can have a good laugh! Hugs!!!