January and February in the Stampin Up! world means its Sale-A-Bration time! What does that mean to you? It means that for these 2 months only, you can receive FREE gorgeous stamp sets. Here is how it works:
Customers: For every $100 order, you will receive a FREE Sale-a-Bration stamp set of your choice.
Hostesses: IN ADDITION to the regular hostess benefits, hostesses will receive a free Sale-a-Bration stamp set for workshops that reach $600 or more.
Recruits: Anyone who joins as a demonstrator during Sale-a-Bration can choose ANY stamp set, value of up to $79.95, from the current catalogue.
There are 4 different sets to choose from and you can see them when you click on this link. So book your workshops now! You don't want to miss out on these stamp sets as they will never be offered again. They're just too pretty to miss!
Summer Mini catalogue is still available to order from and will be until the end of March. If you would like either the Summer Mini and/or the Sale-a-Bration catalogue, email me your address and I'll get them in the mail to you.
Looking ahead to the coming months.......I'm putting together technique classes at the moment as I want you to get more use from the products you order. I'm thinking of one Friday night each month and concentrating on a new technique each time. ("Technique Fridays") I'd like to know what techniques you'd like to see in these classes/workshops and I'll do my best to include them in these Fridays. So, please email me any ideas you'd like to learn.
I'll also be starting up the "Use your Stuff" nights again, where you bring the products you've bought at workshops to my craft table and you can use my idea books and tools to create cards and/or scrapbook pages. These evenings will start up again in March.
I'll also be starting up the "Use your Stuff" nights again, where you bring the products you've bought at workshops to my craft table and you can use my idea books and tools to create cards and/or scrapbook pages. These evenings will start up again in March.